New Accessibility Guidelines for Self-Publishing Authors
11 avril 2016
The Accessible Books Consortium (ABC) and the International Authors Forum (IAF) today launched the Accessible eBook Guidelines for Self-Publishing Authors . The guidelines describe how people with print disabilities like sight loss or dyslexia use technology to read eBooks, as well as the steps authors can take to ensure their books are compatible with that technology.
The guide, written by accessibility expert Dave Gunn, offers clear instructions on how to make eBooks more reader-friendly for all users. It includes a handy checklist and explains how to avoid common pitfalls, which hinder the experience of print-disabled readers.
It contains a section on how to make self-published books accessible using the most popular self-publishing platforms, and advice on which offer the most accessible end-product.
“This easy-to-read PDF is a tremendous resource that every Indie (Independent) author should peruse. We can reach a whole new audience by designing our manuscripts in an accessible format for everyone to enjoy.” Australian author and motivational speaker Maribel Steel, who is visually impaired